From Prince Rama to the Legend of Ramayana

There are many gods and goddesses worshiped by the people of Bharat, but none more so than Lord Rama. He is revered as a representation of dharma, righteousness, and virtue. But why is the Ramayana, the Prince Rama story, so important to Bharatvarsha? 

The life of Lord Rama is important because of the lessons we learn from it. The Hindu epic "Ramayana" tells Rama's life journey—of responsibility, sacrifice, and the ultimate victory of good over evil. Rama is depicted as a prince who, despite being banished from his kingdom, never wavers in his commitment to dharma.

People look up to Rama and his exemplary life because he represents what it means to live a life committed to dharma. Rama exemplifies the traits of a good leader and motivates Hindus to follow his example of righteous and virtuous living through his acts and commitment to his duty.

Rama is not only admired for being a role model of moral behavior but also for being a symbol of valor. Diwali, one of the biggest and most important Hindu holidays, celebrates his victory over Ravana as a triumph of good over evil.

However, very few know about this Ram Katha that there was a time when even Lord Ram was thinking of vairagya, i.e., renunciation of all worldly possessions. At this juncture, he was counseled by Guru Vashistha. 

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Who was Vashisht Guru:

One of Hinduism's seven ancient seers, Vashisht is held in the highest regard. Vasishtha is a Sanskrit word that means "the best." His moniker suggests he has overcome all forms of evil; he is free from greed, rage, envy, pride, and all the rest. He is revered as a spiritual guide and Guru. 

Having gained insight from Brahma himself, Vashisht is renowned for his enlightenment, intellect, and commitment to dharma as Rigveda's creator of various hymns. He represents enlightenment and tremendous wisdom in Hinduism and is respected as a great sage and teacher. 

Lord Rama and King Harischandra revered him as a mentor and teacher. He was regarded as the first saint in the school of Vedanta, established by Sage Adi Shankara. 

ramayana the price rama

Rama's sufferings before becoming King; 

As we discussed earlier, the Ayodhyan prince and reincarnation of Vishnu, Lord Rama, faced many trials and tribulations on his path to becoming King.

Rama was sent into a hard exile for 14 years by his father, King Dasharatha, to keep a pledge to his second wife, Queen Kaikeyi. Rama's misery and difficulty were compounded when the demon king Ravana abducted his wife, Sita, while he was in exile. Rama set off on a long and difficult trip to find Sita, encountering many hurdles and difficulties on the way. After a long struggle, Rama overcame Ravana and returned to his wife, Sita. 

All these hardships had a big toll on Ram. Owing to his trials and tribulations, he started believing that earthly pleasures and wealth are fleeting, which motivated him to consider the path of vairagya. Faced with this internal turmoil, he turned towards Guru Vashisht. 

meaning of ravana 10 heads

How Guru Vashisht inspired Lord Ram?

In the Sanatan Dharm History, the connection between Lord Rama and Guru Vashisht is represented as a spiritual one, with the sage functioning as a teacher and guide to the prince. This is because Guru Vashisht was Lord Rama's Guru and spiritual instructor. During their dialogues and other contacts, Guru Vashsitha aided Rama in comprehending the genuine character of dharma and the virtuous way to live.

Vashisht instructed Rama on the significance of carrying out one's responsibilities in a spirit of devotion and service to the almighty, independent of one's attachment to the outcomes of one's actions. This is the core of karma yoga, which stresses the significance of action as a path to reach spiritual freedom.

Karma yoga emphasizes the necessity of action. An individual may create a selfless mindset and conquer the ego, which is the root of all suffering, by completing their responsibilities in this manner. 

adhyatma ramayana with sri guru

Vashisht teaches Rama not just about karma yoga but also about other elements of the spiritual life, such as the nature of the self, the cycle of birth and death, and the significance of non-attachment and detachment in one's practice. As Rama listens to Vashisht's teachings, he develops a more profound comprehension of dharma and is inspired to lead a life that is centered on justice and morality.

People look to this interaction between Lord Rama and Guru Vashisht as an illustration of how important it is to seek out spiritual advice and how the power of knowledge and wisdom may bring about transformation. 

As a result of their contacts, Rama is motivated to go on the spiritual journey of karma yoga, lead a life devoted to dharma, and strive for enlightenment on a spiritual level. This, in turn, set him on the mission to transform India and establish dharma. 

With Guru Vashishth's answers to his questions, Prince Rama turned into a Karma Yogi. And this is how Ramayana, the prince Rama story, became a legend. 


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